Login to Member Area
Click JSS Tripler
Click "Submit Contact Information"
Click "enter JSS Tripler Member Area"
Choose "Fund JSS Account"
Example: Enter $100, (If you wish to deposit $100).
Then click "Proceed to Fund My Account"
Review, Then Click "Liberty Reserve"
( If you want to use Liberty reserve )
( If you want to use Liberty reserve )
Login to Your Liberty Reserve Account
Click "Continue"
Click "Login PIN"
Enter PIN, and Click "Login"
Enter Master Key, and Click "Preview"
Choose "Purchase of goods", and Click "Preview"
Review, and Click "Confirm"
Click "Return to Merchant"
Your Deposits Success !!
(Then Back to Member Area )
Click "Transfer Funds from JSS Account "
Enter $100, Click "Transfer from main JSS Account"
Click "Fund My JSS Tripler Account "
Your Deposit $100 to JSS Tripler, Success !!!
( Then Back to Member Area )
Click "Buy JSS-Tripler Position"
Price of each position of $ 10, with $ 100 then you buy the 10 positions.
Enter 10 in the box provided, then click "Procedd with My Order"
Enter 10 in the box provided, then click "Procedd with My Order"
Click "Yes Confirm My Purchase"
Starting tomorrow, you've definitely profit 2%
daily for 75 days with a total income of 150%
If a 2% profit on that day did not go, Please to wait for 5-6 hours. If a long 5-6 hours do not come in, usually profit will be merged. You do not worry. Because the profit that I had been there at the combine and some do not. You do not be afraid, Profit will definitely go! The senior member JSS was used to having things like this.
daily for 75 days with a total income of 150%
If a 2% profit on that day did not go, Please to wait for 5-6 hours. If a long 5-6 hours do not come in, usually profit will be merged. You do not worry. Because the profit that I had been there at the combine and some do not. You do not be afraid, Profit will definitely go! The senior member JSS was used to having things like this.